What is Social Bookmarking?
Image 1
Social bookmarking
enables users to bookmark their favorite sites, just like when you add a web
site's URL, or address, into your 'favorites' on any Internet browser, but with
(1) the added possibility to access these bookmarks from any computer
with an Internet connection, so that the bookmarked sites are not anymore
limited to just one computer, (2) the ability to organize your bookmarks into
your own created categories, tags, and a variety of ways able to see these
bookmarked sites by topic or theme, and (3) the capability of sharing your
bookmarks with other users, and learn also from the shared bookmarks of others.
One sample of these social bookmarking sites is http://www.Delicious.com, to
use it; all you have to do is sign up for a free account and start bookmarking.
For a quick tutorial on the use of and an explanation of Delicious.com you can
go to http://www.commoncraft.com/video/social-bookmarking.
Why is It
Important for Education?
Schools and
teachers must look for ways to incorporate into the curriculum the cool new and
free technologies that Web has to offer nowadays. These technologies and
applications, or what are now called Web 2.0 tools, such as the ones we have
discussed in previous posts, and the social bookmarking tool that is explained
here, can become great aids for the teachers and the students in the learning
Social bookmarking
for example could be used in a research process, giving the students the
ability to share the websites they find useful. Delicious, and other social
bookmarking tools, provides the possibility to create RSS feeds that list the
bookmarked links, teachers can take advantage of these and subscribe to these
to follow the direction each group is taking in any search or project. The
teachers can also use social bookmarking to provide lists of useful URLs for
the students to read prior to starting or during a certain topic, and because
of its organization capabilities, resources can easily be organized by class,
unit, project, or topic.
Marco Cesar Saenz
Using Web Tools in the Classroom
Image 1 retrieved from http://www.linkbuildingservice.com/social-bookmarking-service.html on November 10, 2012.
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